
Effiel Tower and Arch de Triumph

Alright, so I know we haven't posted anything in a while but I promise to keep the posts coming. Sara left for the US on Feb. 4th (sad) so from now on I will be writing the Paris blog. This post is for the day we went to the Effiel Tower and Arch de Triumph. We started the day off with going to the Effiel Tower. We got there a little after noonish. We decided if we were gonna do the Effiel Tower, we're gonna do it big and go all the way to the top. We started by taking the 2 elevators to the top. The elevators are all glass so you can definitely see all the way to the ground which can get you kinda nervous, (but not me). Anyways, when you get to the top, you can see for miles. It's an amazing view to see. You can see from one of the pictures looking down on a soccer match from the top, the people look so tiny. We stayed up there for a while until we got too cold, then decided to head down to the lower floors. On level 1, there were many things like a post office, restaurant and snow. Yes, snow. It was some a temporary exhibit to promote Antarctica. You can see the snow in the picture and Sara wearing snow shoes that was there for anyone to use, pretty cool. We stayed there for a while until sunset then decided to go down and get a bite to eat.

We met up with some of my classmates to eat then decided to go to the Arch de Triumph. We went at night because we heard it had the best views (which it did). All the lights were so beautiful to see. One of the photos below shows the view of the Avenue des Champs-Elysees toward the west.

I'll be posting more here soon so keep leaving comments and I'll keep posting.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hi Honey,

Great job on the blog! and the pictures look great =) Keep up the good work. Love you lots!
