Today we went to the Orsay museum to soothe my craving for Impressionist art. Eddy likes museums/art galleries, but not as much as I do I don't think. But he is a good sport and supports my interests, plus museums mean that he get to play with his camera and look all professional. All my favorite painters were there: Monet, Manet, Renoir, Degas, Pissaro and Van Gogh. I was pretty much in art heaven. We saw all the paintings that my Mom has told me about as an Art Docent from Kindergarten on. We were looking forward to seeing Starry Night, but it turned out that they had "Starry Night Over the Rhone" instead. Oh well it was still pretty, and apparently the one we were thinking of, that I think everyone thinks of when they envision the Starry Night that is displayed at the Museum of Modern Art in NY. Just like the Louvre it is best to see the pictures to get the feeling of everything. So look below:
Musee d' Orsay
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11:39 AM
Trip to Versailles
Today we went to Chateau de Versailles. Sara was especially excited because of her past research on Marie Antionette. The one thing we can bring back from there is how big it was. It is the largest palace I have ever seen. And as if the palace wasn't big enough, the gardens were HUGE! To put it lightly, the walk from the palace to the far side of the garden is at minimum a 30 minute walk. Out past the palace, we walked to the petit Trianon which is a mini-palace that Marie had built to escape hectic court life. There are also some pictures of a town Marie had built so she could play "Simple Country Girl." Here are some pictures we took. I can confidently say Versailles was one of our favorite places so far. Here is the website if you would like to check it out. Click here.
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10:09 AM
First Day Exploring on My Own
Today was the first day that Eddy had school, so that meant that it was the first day that I was by myself and left to my own devices. I am not one to sit at home by myself and wait for him to come home all day so I have been trying to think of places to go explore. I wasn't feeling extremely creative so I decided that the Eiffel Tower would be a good place to go see. I took the metro to get close to it and then walked a good ten blocks until I reached it. It is REALLY big by the way. I know that's what people think, but seriously it is quite large. Some things you see and are disappointed with their size, like the Mona Lisa yesterday, but I was not disappointed with this monument at all. It is a beacon that represents the city or at least that is how I saw it. After walking under and around the tower I went across the street to the Trocodero. From there I walked up Rue Kleber all the way to the Arch and home. I basically walked home from the Eiffel Tower and walked around for 2 hours. It was amazing! Also on the way home I stopped at a florist and had them assemble a bouquet for me. So that's what the picture is of below. The little cheap things about Paris like buying a bouquet of flowers on the street are the best parts of my day and the best parts of Paris.
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11:05 AM
The Louvre
Today we went to the Louvre. Not much to say about it, pictures speak for themselves. You can click on the picture to enlarge them. The Louvre is very BIG. We walked for about 4 hours straight and still did not see the whole museum. Of course, we had to see the Mona Lisa which we have a picture of below. Also, we have some sculptures as well as paintings for you to see. We took about 200 pictures overall, but couldn't put them all up. Enjoy!
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2:33 PM